Universal Free School Meals are now available to all pupils in primary school. However, we ask that all parents and carers use ParentPay to pre order their child’s school dinner. We ask that any parent/carer wishing for their child to have a school dinner to place this order on ParentPay no later than 8.30am on the day they wish to take the dinner. Meals can be ordered at least a week in advance.
If you need any support setting up or accessing ParentPay please see the main school office where staff will be more than willing to help.
Despite the roll out of Free School Meals for all primary school pupils Welsh Government encourage parents to still apply for the free school meals scheme as it could mean that you are eligible for other support, such as the School Essential Grant.
Welcome to Peter Lea Primary School. We are proud to serve the community of Fairwater in west Cardiff and look forward to welcoming you to our wonderful school.