The Met Office has updated their warnings for Thursday. The Amber Warning is now the highest risk Amber Warning possible and is in force from 12.00 Thursday 1st March. The snow is likely to be accompanied by strong easterly winds. In the warning the Met Office Forecaster has stated that "long delays and cancellations to public transport is expected, whilst some roads may become blocked by deep snow, stranding vehicles and passengers. Long interruptions to power supplies and other utilities are likely to occur" in places within that Amber Warning area.
Given the accuracy of the forecast to date and the known level of snow and disruption caused in other parts of the country, the safety of our pupils and staff is paramount. Therefore, the local authority is advising all schools to close tomorrow to both pupils and staff. The decision has also been made by the school to currently close on Friday.Welcome to Peter Lea Primary School. We are proud to serve the community of Fairwater in west Cardiff and look forward to welcoming you to our wonderful school.